Breathe with Dee

Unsure what Type of Breathwork is right for you?

Book a Discovery call now and we can talk about the best options for where you’re at in your Journey.

  • Functional Breathwork

    By becoming more aware of your breath and observing how you breathe as you move through your day, you can start to get a better understanding of how the breath can affect your states of being. By modify your breathe you can achieve a better balance in your nervous system, meaning you can handle more stress and also reach deeper levels of relaxation.

    My 1:1 coaching course will connect you with your breath so that you can access the benefits of the transformative power of the breath. I have created the 2 month course specifically for people with chronic illness, to educate you on your breath and learn exercises for a more efficient breath pattern to make you feel calmer. It will also help with:

    -More restful sleep

    -Better focus and more clarity

    -Improved emotional regulation

    -Feel calmer, grounded and present

    -Improve your HRV (heart rate variability)

    -Improve your blood pressure

    -Increase your energy, by better delivery of oxygen around the body

    The course includes

    -Weekly 1:1s with me - 4 x 1 hour sessions and 4 x 20 minute check-ins

    -All sessions are recorded so you can watch back

    -Every hour session will include 20/30 minutes restorative guided breathwork

    -In depth education on how the breath affects your body so you can fully understand how you can use your breath as an anchor for Presence and grounding but also how you can make your body work more efficiently with every breath and restore vitality

    -Different Breathwork practices tailored to you and your needs for you to do at home

    -Email support with me over the two months

    So, are you ready to bring vitality back into your life while finding a sense of grounding and presence?

  • Conscious connected Breathwork

    Conscious connected breathwork is a self empowering practice which awakens us to our highest potential. It clears the path for us to actualise the lives we want to live and express.

    Through the practice, we’re able to release emotional blockages, process trauma, and move past negative thinking patterns and behaviours.

    Through surrender and relaxation of the exhalation, the heart opens and receives the infinite wisdom and healing power hidden within the breath.

    We are able to access and experience an altered state of consciousness, where our rational mind becomes quieter and our subconscious mind can become more active. The power of altered states lies in their ability to give you an experience of feelings, insights, memories and more that are not accessible during normal waking consciousness. These experiences can be an incredibly powerful way to shift our perspective and reality.

    To begin this breathwork together, you’ll start with two sessions. This is so you have the chance to get into the rhythm of the breath to really experience it. After you have done these two sessions you can book single sessions with me whenever you want.

    If you would like to experience Conscious connected breathwork you can book a session with me using the links below.

What my clients are saying.